Considering a new build or looking for the perfect home to suit your family? Cowan Building takes a look at creating the perfect child-friendly home.
Encompassing a child-friendly feel into your home does not mean you have to miss out on any functional and fashionable aspects. With a little creativity, you can encourage a child-friendly home, with all the flair and magic of any chic abode.
One of the most important aspects when it comes to looking for a home that incorporates existing or future children is space. Having parent and child zones make it easier for you to clean up the mess created from toys and fun, while also having a quiet area for parents to retreat with a nice cup of coffee.
This doesn’t mean you need to have two completely separate rooms. If you are heading towards an open plan living space, having cleverly designed sliding doors that are hidden in walls is a great way to shut one room off from another. Cleaver design can allow you to have the home you desire but can also change at a whim notice if you are entertaining a larger group or wanting to engage in play with your child from another space, such as the kitchen area.
If you are designing a new kitchen, a large island bench is a must. Consider incorporating charging stations, and plenty of areas to draw and sit. This can also double as a great cooking space for the children and allow you to interact while busy in the kitchen.
Separate toilets are also a great idea if it can be squeezed into your budget. This toilet can have a permanent child seat and stool. Keeping this toilet close to playing areas or the outside area can help hugely with potty training. For this area consider light and bright paint, or even an interesting and bright artwork.
Don’t forget to consider the paint you use. Easy wipe antibacterial paint is a wonderful option for spaces with children.
Other ideas include:
· Soft closing draws and cupboard to prevent pinching little fingers.
· Concrete areas for riding bikes and scooters outside.
· A child only drawer near your island bench for colouring tools and books.
· Self-closing USB charging points to reduce open power points.
· Non-slip tiles in children’s bathrooms.
Create the Perfect Space
When creating your child’s playroom or space, let them help. Choose interesting and bright colours that will entice your child to play in this area. Clever storage for toys is important as too seating for reading and drawing. Beanbags or large floor pillows make wonderful additions to this space. Create little nooks for reading with plenty of books and a few fun décor arrangements.
Also, consider adding a little nature into this area. A few hearty indoor plants work well and can also help your child learn responsibility. Give them the task of watering and caring for the plants in their zone. Just ensure the plants are child-safe and keep them up from smaller curious crawlers.
Outside Fun
Parents around the globe can be heard singing from the rooftops to get outside on a lovely day. But for a child, the park can seem much more fun than their own space. This is when a little creativity is required. Create kid zones in your yard. A beautiful playhouse nestled in amongst the trees makes a wonderful addition. Make sure you kit it out with a play-kitchen, a small couch, and all the bits and bobs to encourage play. If you do not want a bright pink plastic eyesore, consider going for the natural wood playhouses that blend into your fashionable garden.
Having a small sandpit can also add endless hours of enjoyment. Good solid wooden sandpits with covers are great. They keep the cats out while also keeping in style with your garden and don’t forget the kids planting area or vegi-patch.
Make sure you have plenty of storage space for the important stuff!
Storage is a MUST
With both inside and outside design clever storage is vital when it comes to children. Having large outdoor toy-boxes can make clean-up easy and will also extend the life of your children’s outdoor toys like rugby balls, tennis rackets, and even pool toys.
Indoor storage can be super creative. Wooden box chairs or benches can be converted into storage boxes. By incorporating clever designs you can easily hide ample storage in your chic home, making the quick clean up, easy and stress-free while also keeping with the style of your home.